Happy Thanksgiving Thought Experiment

Happy Thanksgiving Thought Experiment

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving posts are usually about counting our blessings and giving thanks.  Steven Johnson compels us to consider this thought experiment:  If your daily newspaper were published once-in-a-century, and it came out today, what would the banner headline read?

This is, indeed, something to be truly grateful for: Human life expectancy at birth doubled, worldwide, over the last hundred years.

Here’s a video Steven Johnson referred to in his TED Talk; under two minutes:

I plan to listen to the Audible Book.  I recommend Audible Books.

Happy Thanksgiving post image of Extra Life book cover

Extra Life
A Short History of Living Longer

By: Steven Johnson
Narrated by: Steven Johnson
Length: 8 hrs and 26 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 05-11-21
Language: English
Publisher: Penguin Audio
4.7 out of 5 stars(91 ratings)



Happy Thanksgiving Poems

I’ll likely do a more traditional Happy Thanksgiving Holiday Greeting for some client sites, and I’ll share a couple of thoughts along that line here.

Here’s a great poem, among many at https://www.weareteachers.com/thanksgiving-poems-for-kids/ (that’s for kids of all ages!).

Happy Thanksgiving Poem Image

I was pleased to find this little gem among many via https://www.google.com/search?q=thanksgiving+poems

You’ll find more fun Thanksgiving Day poems for kids at https://gatheredagain.com/thanksgiving-poems-kids/

With all best wishes for you and yours to enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving!


Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs).

As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:

Keith Klein

Phone/Text: 262-252-3000

Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners https://www.WisOwners.com

Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC https://www.OnYourMark.com

Author, WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence https://www.WebForging.com

This post first appeared in the personal site of Keith Klein at https://www.keithklein.me/happy-thanksgiving-thought-experiment/  Thanks for sharing, so we may share it with our viewers.

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Wishing Wisconsin Veterans – and All Vets – Happy Veterans Day!

Wishing Wisconsin Veterans – and All Vets – Happy Veterans Day!

Wisconsin Veterans enjoy recognition in the We Energies 2021 Cookie Book, Celebrating military service.

My wife kicks off the holiday season every year with a trip to the ball park in Milwaukee for the We Energies Cookie Book.  Every year we get multiple copies of a well-produced set of dozens of Christmas Cookie recipes.  Limit 2 to a customer.  Every year I get dragged along, because that means a couple more cookie books.  If you knew how passionate my wife is about Christmas, you’d know this is a BIG DEAL – her annual kickoff to the holiday season.

This year our youngest daughter joined us to get cookie books.  Home from a year working in Spain, and staying with us, we shared stories of many prior trips to the ball park, including Santa and reindeer sightings, a cookie and hot chocolate, and other sights and treats – all curtailed because of the pandemic.  What we found this trip was an even bigger treat.  As we slowed to a brief stop to be handed our books, the lady who handed us six books excitedly proclaimed, “Check out the recipe at the top of page 23!  My mom sent those when I was deployed to Desert Storm ~ they’re great!”  We all exclaimed “Thanks!” and “Merry Christmas!” and drove off.

As my wife drove and our daughter held our new puppy, I was struck by the great slices of life in the Cookie Book.  On page 23, next to the recipe for Mom’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies and under a mouth-watering picture of the cookie was this caption:

Wisconsin VeteransChristy Schultz Veteran
Specialist, U.S. Army
New Berlin
While deployed to Desert Storm, my
mom would send care packages
with tins of homemade cookies.
A squad favorite was this peanut
butter chocolate chip cookie.

Thank you for your service, Christy Schultz, and thank you for an extra-fine start to our holiday season.

Wisconsin Veterans are represented throughout the 2021 Cookie Book. I was struck by the stories shared, as well as the recipes shared.  Here are a couple more examples that I hope you’ll find as moving as I do.

Ribbon Cookies, page 21 top:

Submitted by Janine Sijan in memory of

Wisconsin VeteransCaptain Lance P. Sijan
A Milwaukee native, Captain Lance P. Sijan was a U.S. Air Force officer and Vietnam fighter pilot who posthumously received the Medal of Honor, the United States’ highest military award, in 1976. In addition, the Air Force created the Lance P. Sijan Award, one of the branch’s most prestigious awards, to recognize individuals demonstrating the highest qualities of leadership in their jobs and in their lives.
Submitted by Janine Sijan in memory of Captain Lance P. Sijan
This recipe was my brother Lance’s
favorite. My mom would bake dozens
of cookies and send them to him
when he was attending prep school,
the Air Force Academy, pilot training,
and Vietnam. — Janine Sijan

Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls, page 21, bottom:

Wisconsin VeteransKyle Zierer Veteran
Sergeant, U.S. Army
While serving in the Army, one of
my civilian co-workers invited me
to his home for Thanksgiving. They
served many great treats like this one.
I will never forget their kindness by
including me during a time when I
would have otherwise been alone.

The Cookie Book is a fine tribute to Wisconsin Veterans from communities all over our state.  Perhaps it is the holiday spirit of sharing that makes their stories all the more poignant.

Without copying the whole book, I’ll just highlight the following from page four:

Hometown heroes: 128th Air Refueling Wing

The 128th Air Refueling Wing, Wisconsin Air National Guard, has a long and illustrious record of service to the State of Wisconsin and the United States of America. From natural disasters to service in the Korean War and operations Desert Storm, Restore Hope, Enduring Freedom and Noble Eagle, the 128th Air Refueling Wing has responded to changing world events and tasking requirements with dignity, honor and courage. https://www.128arw.ang.af.mil/


Members of the 128th Air Refueling Wing held a contest to choose a recipe to submit for Cookie Book consideration. They couldn’t choose just one and neither could we. We’re featuring all three recipes they submitted.


Wisconsin Veterans
Sweet Spotlight:
Organizations Supporting Our Troops

Support for our active and retired military comes in many forms, including organizations committed to providing care for those who serve. It is our honor to share recipes from four of these groups, which you will find on Pages 8 and 9.


Blue Star Mothers of Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter 2 — Unites military mothers of all types in supporting our military forces and veterans, as well as each other. https://www.bluestarmomssew.com


Fisher House — Provides a home away from home for families of veterans and active military who need temporary housing while their loved one receives care at the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center. https://www.fisherhousewi.org


Operation Home Baked — Sends holiday cheer in the form of cookies to our service members stationed overseas, with more than 300,000 cookies sent to date. https://www.youarespecialwi.org


Stars and Stripes Honor Flight Inc. — Honors veterans with a life-changing trip to Washington, D.C., to visit the memorials and experience a day of honor and thanks.  https://www.starsandstripeshonorflight.org


Thank you to We Energies, and the staff who produced the Cookie Book!  To download a free copy of this book or find additional recipes, go to https://www.We-Energies.com/recipes


Happy Veterans Day, Wisconsin Veterans!

Thank you all for your service.

Keith Klein
Veteran, U.S. Army
Son of Lloyd Klein, a decorated U.S. Army Korean War Veteran
Grand-nephew of Harold Lloyd, a U.S. Army World War I Veteran who gave his all
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs).

As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:

RegisterSuccess.com is a project of OnYourMark, LLC.

Keith Klein

Phone/Text: 262-252-3000

Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners https://www.WisOwners.com

Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC https://www.OnYourMark.com

Author, WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence https://www.WebForging.com

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Happy Labor Day with some Labor Day History

Happy Labor Day with some Labor Day History

Happy Labor Day!  Labor Day, observed the first Monday in September, is an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being.

Many Americans celebrate Labor Day with parades, picnics and parties – festivities very similar to those outlined by the first proposal for a holiday, which suggested that the day should be observed with – a street parade to exhibit “the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations” of the community, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families. This became the pattern for the celebrations of Labor Day.

Happy Labor Day Parade Red Granite Wisconsin 1908Speeches by prominent men and women were introduced later, as more emphasis was placed upon the economic and civic significance of the holiday. Still later, by a resolution of the American Federation of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the labor movement.

American labor has raised the nation’s standard of living and contributed to the greatest production the world has ever known and the labor movement has brought us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economic and political democracy. It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom, and leadership – the American worker.

Unofficial end of summer

Labor Day is called the “unofficial end of summer” because it marks the end of the cultural summer season. Many take their two-week vacations during the two weeks ending Labor Day weekend. Many fall activities, such as school and sports, begin about this time.

In the United States, many school districts resume classes around the Labor Day holiday weekend. Some begin the week before, making Labor Day weekend the first three-day weekend of the school calendar, while others return the Tuesday following Labor Day. Many districts across the Midwest are opting to begin school after Labor Day.

In the U.S. state of Virginia, the amusement park industry has successfully lobbied for legislation requiring most school districts in the state to have their first day of school after Labor Day, in order to give families another weekend to visit amusement parks in the state. The relevant statute has been nicknamed the “Kings Dominion law” after one such park. This law was repealed in 2019.

In the U.S. state of Minnesota, the State Fair ends on Labor Day. Under state law, public schools normally do not begin until after the holiday. One reason given for this timing was to allow time for schoolchildren to show 4-H projects at the Fair.

In U.S. sports, Labor Day weekend marks the beginning of many fall sports. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) teams usually play their first games that weekend, and the National Football League (NFL) traditionally plays their kickoff game the Thursday following Labor Day. The Southern 500 NASCAR auto race has been held on Labor Day weekend at Darlington Raceway in Darlington, South Carolina from 1950 to 2003 and since 2015.  At Indianapolis Raceway Park, the National Hot Rod Association holds their finals of the NHRA U.S. Nationals drag race that weekend.  Labor Day is the middle point between weeks one and two of the U.S. Open Tennis Championships held in Flushing Meadows, New York.

In fashion, Labor Day is (or was) considered the last day when it is acceptable to wear white or seersucker.

There are numerous events and activities organized in major cities. For example, New York offers the Labor Day Carnival and fireworks over Coney Island. In Washington, one popular event is the Labor Day Concert at the U.S. Capitol featuring the National Symphony Orchestra with free attendance.

Labor Day sales

To take advantage of large numbers of potential customers with time to shop, Labor Day has become an important weekend for discounts and allowances by many retailers in the United States, especially for back-to-school sales. Some retailers claim it is one of the largest sale dates of the year, second only to the Christmas season’s Black Friday.


Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day to you and yours.  We hope you enjoy the celebration.  The text and images above are open source, from sites including Wikimedia, Wikipedia, and the U.S. Department of Labor.


We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs).

As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:

RegisterSuccess.com is a project of OnYourMark, LLC.  This Happy Labor Day post first appeared at https://www.onyourmark.com/happy-labor-day-with-some-labor-day-history/


Keith & Your Team at OnYourMark

Keith Klein

Phone/Text: 262-252-3000

Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners https://www.WisOwners.com

Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC https://www.OnYourMark.com

Author, WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence https://www.WebForging.com

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Tutorials on how to operate the blog are available at http://codex.wordpress.org. The Beginner’s Guide to Corporate Blogging (PDF) is another excellent resource for new bloggers; we highly recommend reading the helpful tips in this tutorial.

WebLoggers.org is excellent for beginners and advanced bloggers alike. Keith Klein publishes this four-month old forum with over 4,000 posts. Keith invites you to post questions and suggestions there, or to call him to talk blogging anytime! Enjoy your new blog!

Keith Klein

Phone/Text: 262-252-3000

Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners https://www.WisOwners.com

Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC https://www.OnYourMark.com

Author, WebForging, A Practical Guide to the Art of Forging Your Web Presence https://www.WebForging.com

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